PlanTreff vor Ort

Housing construction and open space, infrastructure and mobility in Munich: What are the long-term developments and perspectives? The city wants to discuss the public with these and other topics - as part of city walks in the "PlanTreff vor Ort" series.The open tours take place regularly. The citizens have the opportunity to get to know current plans and projects in Munich and the region as well as to exchange views with experts on urban development.


Next digital tour:

"Von Pasing nach Freiham"


Tuesday, 15th of June 2021, 16:30-18:00 h


To participate, please register here



Akteure und Allianzen im Domagkpark

Sozial gerecht wohnen

50 Jahre Neuperlach

Wohnen am Dantebad und die Borstei


Mobilität in der Innenstadt

Stadtspaziergang im Rahmen der Jahresausstellung

Erläuterungen zu Theodor Fischer