Night Tour

Our 13 kilometer long night tour starts near the Königsplatz and leads south towards the Old Botanical Garden. We follow the Sonnenstraße to the lively and popular Glockenbach district. We cross the Isar at the Corneliusbrücke and drive through the popular residential area Au, where the square Maria-Hilfplatz invites three times a year to the famous "Auer Dult". Uphill it goes towards the square Tassiloplatz. We take a well-deserved break in the nearby Werksviertel at Ostbahnhof. The former industrial area is developing into a hip new city quarter with many bars, clubs, loft offices and will be the location of the new concert hall in the future. Through the picturesque district Haidhausen we head back towards the old town. At the Art District we will end the tour at the cultural project "Minna Thiel" in front of the University of Television and Film.


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